

Execution of the additional operations of 1.2. version.


  • ObjectForOperations - contains the ID of the object for which you want to perform additional operations. Data type - custom. You can specify only one of the attached elements.
  • ObjectForOperations.FlightID - ID of the flight for which you want to perform additional operations. Data type - 128-bit integer.
  • ObjectForOperations.BookID - ID of the booking for which you want to perform additional operations. Data type - 64-bit integer.
  • Operations - list of additional operations that you want to perform. Data type - custom.
  • Operations.Operation - one of the operations you want to perform. Data type - enumeration. Possible values are:
    • CheckAvailability - availability check, performed only for the flight.
    • GetFareRules - get fare rules.
    • GetSeatMap - get the seat map.
    • GetPrice - get the current flight price. Performed only for the flight.
    • SearchAncillaryServices - obtaining a list of available services for a flight or booking (only for GDS MixvelPlatform and Amadeus).
    • GetAllowedCCs - get the list of credit card codes that can be used to pay this reservation through GDS processing.
    • ActualizeFlight - actualize the flight
    • GetFareFamilies - getting the variant of the flight cost estimation from different families
    • GetSubsidizedTariffs - getting a list of subsidized fares for a flight
  • OperationsRestrictions - additional information for performing the specified operations (optional). Data type - custom.
  • OperationsRestrictions.CheckAvailabilityWithBookingRequest - use the request to take places to check the availability of the flight for booking. Data type - bool.
  • OperationsRestrictions.PricingInfo - additional information about the price component of the flight, for which you need to perform additional operations. Data type - custom.
  • OperationsRestrictions.PricingInfo.BookingClassCodes - information about the flight classes for which you want to find the flight price. Data type - custom.
  • OperationsRestrictions.PricingInfo.BookingClassCodes.BookingClassCodesForSegment - information about the flight class for a particular segment. Data type - custom.
  • OperationsRestrictions.PricingInfo.BookingClassCodes.BookingClassCodesForSegment.SegmentNumber - segment number in the flight. Data type - 32-bit integer.
  • OperationsRestrictions.PricingInfo.BookingClassCodes.BookingClassCodesForSegment.BookingClassCode - flight class letter for this segment. Data type - string.
  • OperationsRestrictions.PricingInfo.Passengers - contains information about passengers for whom you want to find the flight price. Data type - custom.
  • OperationsRestrictions.PricingInfo.Passengers.Passenger - contains information about one of the types of passengers for whom you want to find the flight price. Data type - custom.
  • OperationsRestrictions.PricingInfo.Passengers.Passenger.Type - passenger type. Data type - enumeration.
  • OperationsRestrictions.PricingInfo.Passengers.Passenger.Count - number of passengers of this type. Data type - 32-bit integer.
    • OperationsRestrictions.PricingInfo.Passengers.Passenger.Age - passenger's age. Data type - string.
  • OperationsRestrictions.PricingInfo.Passengers.Passenger.PricedAs - passenger type in the supplier's system by which the fare was received. Data type - string.
  • OperationsRestrictions.PricingInfo.Passengers.Passenger.DocType - passenger's document type. Data type - string.
  • OperationsRestrictions.PricingInfo.Passengers.Passenger.Nationality - passenger's nationality. Data type - string.
  • OperationsRestrictions.PricingInfo.CurrencyCode - ISO Alpha3 code of the currency in which you want to find the price. Data type - string.
  • OperationsRestrictions.PricingInfo.PrivateFaresOnly - attribute of searching only private fares. Data type - bool.
  • OperationsRestrictions.PricingInfo.ValidatingCompany - IATA code of the VI, the prices of which are of interest. Data type - string.
  • OperationsRestrictions.PricingInfo.IgnoreRepricingSettings - allows you to ignore the repricing settings. Data type - bool.
  • OperationsRestrictions.PricingInfo.RequestorTags - array of tags describing the request. Data type - array.
  • OperationsRestrictions.PricingInfo.RequestorTags.Tag - a single tag describing the request. Data type - string.
  • OperationsRestrictions.PricingInfo.PriceSpecifiedPassTypesOnly - if possible, use only specific passenger type codes while re-selling. Data type - bool.
  • OperationsRestrictions.PricingInfo.RefererID - if specified, overrides WebSkyTech user for whom the calculation will be performed. Data type - integer.
  • OperationsRestrictions.PricingInfo.ThreeDomainAgreementNumber — corporate client code in the three-party agreement. Data type - string.
  • OperationsRestrictions.UpdateCachedFareRules - update cached in the reservation fare rules. The data type is bool.
  • OperationsRestrictions.ListFaresIfNoFamiliesDifined - enables fare list return from GDS in case they do not have a reference to the fare family. Data type - bool.
  • OperationsRestrictions.SelectedAncillaryServices - container with information of dynamic cost for additional services depending on the type of passenger chosen and the number of services. Data type - complex.
  • OperationsRestrictions.SelectedAncillaryServices.Service - ancillary service. Data type - array.
  • OperationsRestrictions.SelectedAncillaryServices.Service.RFIC - RFIC of the ancillary service. Data type - string.
  • OperationsRestrictions.SelectedAncillaryServices.Service.RFISC - RFISC of the ancillary service. Data type - string.
  • OperationsRestrictions.SelectedAncillaryServices.Service.Group - ancillary service group. Data type - string.
  • OperationsRestrictions.SelectedAncillaryServices.Service.Subgroup - ancillary service subgroup. Data type - string.
  • OperationsRestrictions.SelectedAncillaryServices.Service.SSRCode - ancillary service SSR code (Optional). Data type - string.
  • OperationsRestrictions.SelectedAncillaryServices.Service.SSRDescription - ancillary service SSR description (Optional). Data type - string.
  • OperationsRestrictions.SelectedAncillaryServices.Service.Type - type of ancillary service. Data type - string.
  • OperationsRestrictions.SelectedAncillaryServices.Service.TravellerRef - passenger ID for which the ancillary service is added. Data type - int.
  • OperationsRestrictions.SelectedAncillaryServices.Service.SegmentRef - container with references to segments to which the ancillary service is added. Data type - array.
  • OperationsRestrictions.SelectedAncillaryServices.Service.SegmentRef.Ref - segment reference. Data type - int.
  • OperationsRestrictions.SelectedAncillaryServices.Service.Quantity - Number of additional services already booked. Data type - int.
  • OperationsRestrictions.SelectedAncillaryServices.Service.PassengerType - type of passenger for pricing. Data type - string.
  • OperationsRestrictions.SelectedAncillaryServices.Service.EMDType - EMD type. Data type - string.
  • OperationsRestrictions.Language - response language. Data type - string.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:avia="" xmlns:stl="" xmlns:avia1="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:ns2="">


Includes the set of elements caused by operation in the request:

  • Sources - container for information about packages. Data type - custom.
  • Sources.SourceInfo - container with information about package. Data type - custom.
  • Sources.SourceInfo.ID - identifier of WebSkyTech package. Data type - 32-bit integer.
  • Sources.SourceInfo.Supplier - supplier name. Data type - string.
  • Sources.SourceInfo.DefaultTicketingRequisiteID - default ticketing requisite identifier, which may be missing depending on the package configuration. Data type - string.
  • Sources.SourceInfo.CustomTicketingRequisites - container for information about custom ticketing requisites, which may be missing depending on the package configuration. Data type - custom.
  • Sources.SourceInfo.CustomTicketingRequisites.RequisiteConfig - container with information about custom ticketing requisite configuration. Data type - custom.
  • Sources.SourceInfo.CustomTicketingRequisites.RequisiteConfig.AppliesToCompanies - list of airlines for which this requisite applies. Data type - string.
  • Sources.SourceInfo.CustomTicketingRequisites.RequisiteConfig.RequisiteID - vendor requisite identifier. Data type - string.
  • ObjectForOperations — contains the ID of the object for which you want to perform additional operations. Data type - custom. Similar to the corresponding element from the request.
  • ObjectForOperations.FlightID - flight ID for which additional operations need to be performed. Data type - 128-bit integer.
  • CheckAvailabilityResult — result of checking the booking availability of the flight. Data type - custom.
  • CheckAvailabilityResult.IsAvail — attribute of booking availability of a flight. Data type - bool.
  • GetFareRulesResult — result of receiving fare rules. Data type - custom.
  • GetFareRulesResult.Rules — array of fare rules applied to this object. Data type - custom.
  • GetFareRulesResult.Rules.Rule — fare rule. Data type - custom.
  • GetFareRulesResult.Rules.Rule.Code — fare rule section code. Data type - string.
  • GetFareRulesResult.Rules.Rule.Tariff — fare code to which this rule applies. Data type - string.
  • GetFareRulesResult.Rules.Rule.Name — fare rule title. Data type - string.
  • GetFareRulesResult.Rules.Rule.RuleText — fare rule text. Data type - string.
  • GetSeatMapResult — result of getting the seat map. Data type - custom.
  • GetSeatMapResult.SeatMapSegments — container for seat maps for each flight segment. Data type - custom.
  • GetSeatMapResult.SeatMapSegments.SeatMapSegment — seat map for a particular flight segment. Data type - custom. It occurs 1 or more times.
  • GetSeatMapResult.SeatMapSegments.SeatMapSegment.Num — segment number from flight. Data type - 32-bit integer.
  • GetSeatMapResult.SeatMapSegments.SeatMapSegment.Floors — container for floors in an aircraft. Data type - custom.
  • GetSeatMapResult.SeatMapSegments.SeatMapSegment.Floors.Floor — seat map for a particular floor in an aircraft. Data type - custom. Occurs 1 or more times.
  • GetSeatMapResult.SeatMapSegments.SeatMapSegment.Floors.Floor.IsUpper — flag of the top floor in an aircraft. Data type - bool.
  • GetSeatMapResult.SeatMapSegments.SeatMapSegment.Floors.Floor.SeatRows — container for information about rows of seats on a floor. Data type - array.
  • GetSeatMapResult.SeatMapSegments.SeatMapSegment.Floors.Floor.SeatRows.SeatRow - information about a specific row of seats on a floor in the airplane. Data type - array.
  • GetSeatMapResult.SeatMapSegments.SeatMapSegment.Floors.Floor.SeatRows.SeatRow.Num — number of the rows of seats in the aircraft. Data type - 32-bit integer.
  • GetSeatMapResult.SeatMapSegments.SeatMapSegment.Floors.Floor.SeatRows.SeatRow.Seats — container for seat information. Data type - custom.
  • GetSeatMapResult.SeatMapSegments.SeatMapSegment.Floors.Floor.SeatRows.SeatRow.Seats.Seat — information about a specific seat in the aircraft. Data type - custom. Occurs 1 or more times.
  • GetSeatMapResult.SeatMapSegments.SeatMapSegment.Floors.Floor.SeatRows.SeatRow.Seats.Seat.Number — seat number. Data type - string.
  • GetSeatMapResult.SeatMapSegments.SeatMapSegment.Floors.Floor.SeatRows.SeatRow.Seats.Seat.Type — seat position. Data type - string. Possible values:
    • W — near the window;
    • NPW — Near Passenger Way;
    • M — between W and NPW;
  • GetSeatMapResult.SeatMapSegments.SeatMapSegment.Floors.Floor.SeatRows.SeatRow.Seats.Seat.Characteristics — default seat characteristics. Data type - string.
  • GetSeatMapResult.SeatMapSegments.SeatMapSegment.Floors.Floor.SeatRows.SeatRow.Seats.Seat.IsFree — attribute showing that the place is free. Data type - bool.
  • GetSeatMapResult.SeatMapSegments.SeatMapSegment.Floors.Floor.SeatRows.SeatRow.Seats.Seat.NotExists - attribute showing that the seat does not exist. Data type - bool.
  • GetSeatMapResult.SeatMapSegments.SeatMapSegment.Floors.Floor.SeatRows.SeatRow.Seats.Seat.Price — seat price in case it is paid. Data type - Money.
    • GetSeatMapResult.SeatMapSegments.SeatMapSegment.Floors.Floor.SeatRows.SeatRow.Seats.Seat.Price.Amount - amount. Data type - floating double precision.
  • GetSeatMapResult.SeatMapSegments.SeatMapSegment.Floors.Floor.SeatRows.SeatRow.Seats.Seat.Price.Currency - currency. Data type - string.
  • GetSeatMapResult.SeatMapSegments.SeatMapSegment.Floors.Floor.SeatRows.SeatRow.Seats.Seat.RFISC - RFISC of the seat. Data type - string.
  • GetSeatMapResult.SeatMapSegments.SeatMapSegment.Floors.Floor.SeatRows.SeatRow.Characteristics - seat row characteristics. Data type - string.
  • GetSeatMapResult.SeatMapSegments.SeatMapSegment.Floors.Floor.SeatRows.SeatRow.CabinCode - the class to which the seat belongs. Only for MixvelPlatform. Data type - string.
  • GetPriceResult - result of getting the actual price of the flight. Data type - custom.
  • GetPriceResult.Flight - flat flight v1.1. Data type - custom.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult - result of obtaining a list of available ancillary services. Data type - custom.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services - list of available ancillary services. Data type - array.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.AncillaryServiceRS - ancillary service. Data type - custom.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.AncillaryServiceRS.ID - ancillary service ID in the supplier system. Data type - 32-bit integer.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.AncillaryServiceRS.Name - ancillary service description (ATPCO commercial name). Data type - string.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.AncillaryServiceRS.Group - ancillary service group. Data type - string.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.AncillaryServiceRS.SubGroup - ancillary service subgroup. Data type - string.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.AncillaryServiceRS.RFIC - ancillary service RFIC. Data type - string.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.AncillaryServiceRS.RFISC - ancillary service RFISC. Data type - string.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.AncillaryServiceRS.SSRCode - SSR code which should be added to the PNR in case of reservation of this ancillary service. Data type - string.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.AncillaryServiceRS.Type - ancillary service type (at the moment - specific of MixvelPlatform). Data type - string.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.AncillaryServiceRS.CompanyCode - IATA code of the airline providing this ancillary service. Data type - string.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.AncillaryServiceRS.Refundability - service refundability. Data type - enumeration.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.AncillaryServiceRS.SSRDescriptionRequired - attribute showing that for the reservation of this ancillary service it is necessary to transfer its description from the user. Data type - bool.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.Prices - list of prices for admissible ancillary services. Data type - array.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.Prices.AncillaryServicePrice - ancillary service price. Data type - custom.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.Prices.AncillaryServicePrice.Value - price object. Data type - custom.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.Prices.AncillaryServicePrice.Value.Amount - amount. Data type - floating double precision.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.Prices.AncillaryServicePrice.Value.Currency - currency. Data type - string.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.Prices.AncillaryServicePrice.ServiceRef - references to services for which this price is applicable. Data type - array.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.Prices.AncillaryServicePrice.ServiceRef.Ref - service reference. Data type - 32-bit integer.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.Prices.AncillaryServicePrice.SegmentRef - references to the segments to which the service belongs. Data type - array.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.Prices.AncillaryServicePrice.SegmentRef.Ref - segment reference. Data type - 32-bit integer.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.Prices.AncillaryServicePrice.TravellersTypes - types of passengers to which this price applies. Data type - array.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.Prices.AncillaryServicePrice.TravellersTypes.PassTypes - passenger type. Data type - enumeration.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.Prices.AncillaryServicePrice.TravellerRef - references to the traveller to which the service belongs. Data type - array.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.Prices.AncillaryServicePrice.TravellerRef.Ref - traveller reference. Data type - 32-bit integer.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.Prices.AncillaryServicePrice.OfferToken - token for service with dynamic price, only for MixvelPlatform. Data type - string.
  • FindAdditionalServicesResult.Services.Prices.AncillaryServicePrice.OfferTtl - timelimit for service with dynamic price, only for MixvelPlatform. Data type - datetime.
  • GetAllowedCCsResult - result of obtaining a list of card codes for payment via the GDS processing. Data type - custom.
  • GetAllowedCCsResult.AllowedCCs - list of codes of acceptable cards for booking payment via the GDS processing. Data type - custom.
  • GetAllowedCCsResult.AllowedCCs.Code - code of the credit card which you can use to pay for the specified reservation via the GDS processing. Data type - string.
  • GetAllowedLoyaltyCardsResult - array of fare rules applied to the given flight. Data type - custom.
  • ActualizedFlight - contains the updated flight. Data type - Flight.
  • ActualizedFlight.Segments.Segment.SupplierInfo - information about the segment statuses if the flight is unavailable for booking and operation was executed via the seat taking request. Data type - string. Supported by GalileoUapi, Sabre, Amadeus, Galileo.
  • FlightsByFareFamily - contains the result of the GetFareFamilies operation. Data type - Flight array.
  • SubsidizedTariffs - contains the result of GetSubsidizedTariffs operation. Data type - Flight array.

The flight with a new ID will be received as a result of the request. This ID should be used in further operations (for example, in the booking).

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <AdditionalOperations_1_2Response xmlns="">
      <AdditionalOperations_1_2Result xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
                 <a:CustomTicketingRequisites xmlns:b="">
                        <a:Value>up to 5 kg</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>bis zu 5 kg</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>1 item up to 10 kg</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>eine Tasche bis zu 10 kg</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>Exchange before departure</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>Änderungen am Ticket vor der Abreise</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>Changes to the ticket before departure (40 minutes before the end of registration) are allowed with an additional charge for each segment.</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>Änderungen am Ticket vor der Abreise (40 Minuten vor dem Ende der Anmeldung) sind mit einem Aufpreis für jedes Segment erlaubt.</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>Fare is completely non-refundable.</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>Fare ist völlig nicht rückzahlbar.</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>Complimentary meals</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>Mahlzeiten an Bord</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>First row seats</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>Erste Reihe Sitze</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>First row seats — not available.</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>Erste Reihe Sitze — nicht verfügbar.</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>Priority check-in</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>Vorrangiger Check-in für einen Flug</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>Priority check-in — not available.</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>Vorrangiger Check-in für einen Flug — nicht verfügbar.</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>Priority boarding</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>Vorrangiges Einsteigen</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>Priority boarding — not available.</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>Vorrangiges Einsteigen — nicht verfügbar.</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>«Wings» bonuses</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>«Wings» Boni</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>All members of «Wings Loyalty Program» get points to Wings Loyalty account (about 5% of the applicable tariff).</a:Value>
                        <a:Value>Alle Mitglieder von «Wings Loyalty Program» bekommen Punkte zu Wings Loyalty Account (ca. 5% des geltenden Tarifs).</a:Value>