EMD void for various ancillary services in the booking.


The latest version of the request, differences are only in the response to the request in the additional services block from the Book_2_2 request.


Request format

  • BookID - ID of the booking for which the operation is performed. Data type - long.
  • ServiceRefs - list of IDs of the ancillary services in the booking for which an operation is required. Data type - int array.
  • ServiceRefs.Ref - ID of the ancillary service in the booking for which the operation is required. Data type - int.

    Sample request

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:avia="http://ws-ibe.com/Avia" xmlns:stl="http://ws-ibe.com/STL">


Request format

  • BookID - ID of the booking that you need to void to which the EMD is related. Data type - long.
  • AncillaryServices - list of ancillary services for voiding. The data type is similar - AncillaryServices from the query IssueEMD.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:avia="http://ws-ibe.com/Avia" xmlns:stl="http://ws-ibe.com/STL">

Response format

Booking 2.0.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ResponseWithBook xmlns="http://ws-ibe.com/STL" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
      <Created>2024-08-12 18:30:37 +03:00</Created>
      <LastUpdate>2024-08-12 18:31:32 +03:00</LastUpdate>
      <Ticketed>2024-08-12 18:30:51 +03:00</Ticketed>
      <Service i:type="FlightService">
                <Tariff i:type="AirTariff">
                  <BaggageDetailsList xmlns:a="http://ws-ibe.com/Avia">
                      <Weight i:nil="true"/>
                      <WeightUnit i:nil="true"/>
                      <Size i:nil="true"/>
                  <Value>Luggage - not included in the fare</Value>
                  <Value>Luggage is not included. You can buy extra baggage as an additional service. </Value>
          <EffectiveTimeLimit>2024-08-13 23:59:00 +03:00</EffectiveTimeLimit>
          <PriceTimeLimit>2024-08-13 23:59:00 +03:00</PriceTimeLimit>
          <AgencyTimeLimit>2024-08-13 18:30:37 +03:00</AgencyTimeLimit>
          <TicketingTimeLimit>2024-08-16 10:00:00 +00:00</TicketingTimeLimit>
          <VoidTimeLimit>2024-08-12 20:59:00 +00:00</VoidTimeLimit>
          <IssueDateTime>2024-08-12 18:30:00 +03:00</IssueDateTime>
          <EmailID>[email protected]</EmailID>