Creation of a flight booking. Works with a 2.2 booking structure. The latest version of the BookFlight request.
Similar to the previous version of BookFlight_2_0, the difference is only in the ancillary services block:
<avia1:Name>SEA FOOD</avia1:Name>
Creation of a flight booking. Works with a 2.1 booking structure.
Similar to the previous version of BookFlight_2_0, the difference is only in the flat format of ancillary services.
<a:Name i:nil="true"/>
<a:Name i:nil="true"/>
Creation of a flight booking. Works with a 2.0 booking structure. Differences are only in the ancillary services block.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:avia="" xmlns:stl="" xmlns:avia1="" xmlns:stl1="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="">
<stl:EmailID>[email protected]</stl:EmailID>
Attention! In the response for booking request Traveller.ID parameters may not match the parameters shown in the request. Passengers order may be changed due to the special features of the interaction with some GDS/providers.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<BookFlight_2_2Response xmlns="">
<BookFlight_2_2Result xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
<a:Created>2018-05-18 13:26:58 +02:00</a:Created>
<a:LastUpdate>2018-05-18 13:26:59 +02:00</a:LastUpdate>
<a:Service i:type="a:FlightService">
<a:Tariff i:type="a:AirTariff">
<a:Name>Tariff 1</a:Name>
<a:EffectiveTimeLimit>2018-05-23 23:59:00 +02:00</a:EffectiveTimeLimit>
<a:PriceTimeLimit>2018-05-23 23:59:00 +02:00</a:PriceTimeLimit>
<a:AgencyTimeLimit>2018-05-19 13:26:58 +02:00</a:AgencyTimeLimit>
<a:TicketingTimeLimit>2018-09-01 18:00:00 +02:00</a:TicketingTimeLimit>
<a:EmailID>[email protected]</a:EmailID>