Basic elements

Common fields for all methods

All Avia server requests and responses have a certain set of common elements.


The body of any request consists of three basic elements.

  • Requisites - server access requisites (optional). Data type - custom.
  • Requisites.Login - server access login (optional). Data type - string.
  • Requisites.Password - server access password (optional). Data type - string.
  • Requisites.AuthToken - server access key (optional). Data type - string. You either need to specify an access key or a login+password pair.
User ID
  • UserID - ID of the user executing the request to the server (optional). Data type - non-negative 32-bit integer .
Request body
  • RequestBody - body of the request to the server. Data type - custom.


Main elements of any response.

Request ID
  • RequestID - ID of the processed request. Data type - 64-bit integer. Cannot be less than 0.
  • Errors - array of information about the errors that occurred during the request processing (required). Data type - array.
  • Errors.Error - information about a single error that occurred during the request processing (required). Data type - custom.
  • Errors.Error.Level - error message received from the vendor (required). Data type - enumeration, possible values:
    • APIFormat - error of request validation level.
    • Supplier - error received from the service provider or an external data source.
    • Runtime - error in the request processing.
    • Network - unexpected network error.
  • Errors.Error.Code - code of the error that has occurred (required). Data type - ushort (unsigned 16-bit number).
  • Errors.Error.Message - server error message (required). Data type - string.
  • Errors.Error.ServiceMessage - error message received from the supplier (optional). Data type - string.
  • Errors.Error.AdditionalInfo - contains various additional information about the error (optional). Data type - custom.
  • Errors.Error.AdditionalInfo.InfoItem - single additional error information (optional). Data type - custom.
  • Errors.Error.AdditionalInfo.InfoItem.InfoKey - additional information type (optional). Data type - enumeration, possible values:
    • SegmentsStatus - information about the segment statuses with the invalid status of one of them when booking (optional). It is transferred in the segment_number:segment_status,segment_number:segment_status format, and so on by the number of segments where "," separates information about different segments, and ":" separates the number (numbered from 0) and the status of this segment.
  • Errors.Error.AdditionalInfo.InfoItem.InfoValue - additional information about the error (optional). Data type - string.
  • Warnings - array of important information messages about the specifics of request processing. Data type - array.
  • Warnings.Warning - information message about the specifics of request processing. Data type - custom.
  • Warnings.Warning.Code - message type code. Data type - ushort (unsigned 16-bit number).
  • Warnings.Warning.Message - message text. Data type - string.
Response body
  • ResponseBody - container for the response body. Data type - custom.
Sample AuthToken autorization block
