

Creation of the booking based on PNR received from the GDS.


The latest request version, the differences are only in the response in the ancillary services block from Book_2_2 request.


Format Description
  • Source - ID of the source in which the PNR is located, on the basis of which it is required to create the booking. Data type - 32-bit integer:
  • PNRCode - ID of the PNR in the GDS. Data type - string.
  • TicketNumber - the ticket number in the GDS. Data type - string. (Currently supported only in GDS MixvelPlatform. Optional, used only when working with MixvelPlatform. Import is possible by only PNRCode, only TicketNumber or by PNRCode and TicketNumber together.)
  • MainPassengerLastName - last name of the main passenger in the PNR, required parameter while of working with the GDS MixvelPlatform. Data type - string.
  • WithReprice - attribute of the need to actualize the booking price after its creation. Data type - bool.
  • ValidatingCompany - validating company of the booking, needed to the correct booking import in case of situations when different requisites are used in a package for the different airlines. Data type - string.
  • UseFlexFares - attribute of using flex fare families while importing the booking (specific feature of SITA Gabriel). Data type - bool.
  • SourceDescription.Supplier - supplier. Data type - enumeration with air suppliers.
  • SourceDescription.SupplierRequisiteID - booking package ID for the specified supplier, for example, PCC. Data type - non-negative 32-bit integer.
    • AdditionalInformation - a container with additional information. Data type - complex.
  • AdditionalInformation.TripPointInfoList - a container with a list of pairs of airports. Optional parameter used for performance optimization. Data type - complex
  • AdditionalInformation.TripPointInfoList.AirportsPair - pair of airports (3-letter code), for example, BCN-CDG. Data type - string.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:avia="" xmlns:stl="" xmlns:avia1="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:ns2="">


Similar to the booking format of the Book.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <ImportBook_2_2Response xmlns="">
      <ImportBook_2_2Result xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
            <a:Created>2017-06-20 10:06:00  03:00</a:Created>
            <a:LastUpdate>2017-06-20 20:46:42  03:00</a:LastUpdate>
            <a:Service i:type="a:FlightService">
                      <a:Tariff i:type="a:AirTariff">
                      <a:Tariff i:type="a:AirTariff">
                <a:TicketingSupplierAgencyID i:nil="true"/>
                <a:EffectiveTimeLimit>2017-06-23 20:59:00  05:00</a:EffectiveTimeLimit>
                <a:PriceTimeLimit>2017-06-23 20:59:00  05:00</a:PriceTimeLimit>