

Getting the electronic document mask from the GDS.


Format description
  • BookID - ID of the booking for which you want to perform an operation. Data type - 64-bit integer.
  • AllED - getting the masks of all the active electronic documents. Data type - bool. If the value of the element is True, all the active electronic document masks are requested, if the value if False, the following elements are used:
    • EDNumbers - list of electronic document numbers.
    • EDNumbers.Number - electronic document number. Data type - string.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:avia="" xmlns:stl="" xmlns:avia1="" xmlns:stl1="">


Format description
  • Number - electronic document number. Data type - string.
  • ExchangedTicketNumber - number of the old ticket by which the exchange was preformed. Data type - string.
  • ServiceType - type of the service provided by this electronic document. Data type - enumeration, possible values:
    • Flight;
    • Ancillary;
    • Penalty;
    • FinancialImpact;
    • ResidualValue.
  • IssueDateTime - date and time of electronic document's issue.
  • Traveller - passenger data to which the electronic document corresponds. Data type - Traveller.
  • Service - contains the description of the service to which the electronic document applies. Data type - custom.
  • Service.ProcessService - contains the description of a processing service. Data type - ProcessingService.
  • Service.FlightService - contains the description of a flight service. Data type - Flight.
  • Service.AncillaryService - contains the description of the ancillary services on the flight. Data type - FlightAncillaryService.
  • Price - contains the complete information on the price of a service and its’ formation. Data type - Price
  • DataItems - data block for storing different content of the mask. Data type - DataItem. In the air ticket mask, this block contains the information about the passenger’s identity document and contact data. In the ancillary service EMD mask, the block contains information about the booked seats. In the processing service EMD mask, the block contains additional information on the EMD.
  • VATBreakdown - structure of VAT for the service of this ED. Data type - complex.
  • VATBreakdown.Tariff - container with information about VAT from the tariff. Data type - complex.
  • VATBreakdown.Tariff.Amount - аmount. Data type — decimal.
  • VATBreakdown.Tariff.Currency - ISO Alpha3 currency code. Data type — string.
  • VATBreakdown.Tariff.Percent - VAT rate in percent. Data type - double.
  • VATBreakdown.Taxes - VAT from the tax total amount. Data type - complex.
  • VATBreakdown.Taxes.Amount - аmount. Data type - decimal.
  • VATBreakdown.Taxes.Currency - ISO Alpha3 currency code. Data type — string.
  • VATBreakdown.Taxes.Breakdown - container with information about VAT from taxes. Data type - complex.
  • VATBreakdown.Taxes.Breakdown.Tax - container with information about VAT from a particular tax. Data type - complex.
  • VATBreakdown.Taxes.Breakdown.Tax.Amount - amount. Data type — decimal.
  • VATBreakdown.Taxes.Breakdown.Tax.Currency - ISO Alpha3 currency code. Data type — string.
  • VATBreakdown.Taxes.Breakdown.Tax.Percent - VAT rate in percent. Data type - double.
  • VATBreakdown.Taxes.Breakdown.Tax.Code - tax code. Data type — string.
  • VATBreakdown.Total - VAT from the tax and fare total amount. Data type - Money.
  • IssuierSupplierID - ticketing requisite ID. Data type - string.
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
      <GetEDDataResponse xmlns="">
         <GetEDDataResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
            <a:ResponseBody xmlns:b="">
               <b:Data xmlns:c="">
                     <c:IssueDateTime>2024-12-11 16:47:00 +03:00</c:IssueDateTime>
                                 <a:DepatureDateTime>2024-12-15 12:00:00 +01:00</a:DepatureDateTime>
                                 <a:ArrivalDateTime>2024-12-15 12:30:00 +01:00</a:ArrivalDateTime>
                                       <a:Tariff i:type="a:AirTariff">
                              <a:EmailID>[email protected]</a:EmailID>
                                    <c:Breakdown i:nil="true"/>
                           <c:Breakdown i:nil="true"/>