

Update of the flight booking information from Book version 2.0 as the response.


The latest version of the request, differences are only in the response to the request in the additional services block from the Book_2_2 request.


  • BookID - ID of the booking that you want to update. Data type - long.
  • CancelPayment - attribute of the need to cancel the old booking payment (optional). Data type - boolean.
  • PricingOptions - additional options for tariffing of the booking (optional). Data type - array.
  • PricingOptions.FOPsForAlternativePrices - FOPs for which you need to get an additional estimation of the booking. Data type - array.
  • PricingOptions.FOPsForAlternativePrices.Type - FOP, for which you need to get an additional estimation of the booking. Data type - string.
  • PricingOptions.NoReprice - turns off the re-pricing (actualization of the price) of the booking, supported for Galileo, Sabre, Amadeus, Travelport uAPI. Data type - bool.
  • FillEdDocContent - request electronic documents in PDF (optional). If the parameter in the query is not specified or set to true - itinerary receipt and EMD in PDF format are requested from the supplier, false - electronic documents are not requested from the supplier. Data type - bool.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:avia="http://ws-ibe.com/Avia" xmlns:stl="http://ws-ibe.com/STL" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns1="http://websky-ibe.com/STL" xmlns:ns2="http://websky-ibe.com/Avia">


2.0 version Booking.

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <UpdateBook_2_2Response xmlns="http://ws-ibe.com/Avia">
         <UpdateBook_2_2Result xmlns:a="http://ws-ibe.com/STL" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
            <a:ResponseBody xmlns:b="http://websky.travel/STL">
                  <a:Created>2024-12-10 12:30:00 +03:00</a:Created>
                  <a:LastUpdate>2024-12-10 12:30:28 +03:00</a:LastUpdate>
                  <a:Service i:type="a:FlightService">
                                 <a:Tariff i:type="a:AirTariff">
                                          <a:Weight i:nil="true"/>
                                          <a:WeightUnit i:nil="true"/>
                                          <a:Size i:nil="true"/>
                                    <a:Value>Luggage - not included in the fare</a:Value>
                                    <a:Value>Luggage is not included. You can buy extra baggage as an additional service.</a:Value>
                        <a:EffectiveTimeLimit>2024-12-11 23:59:00 +03:00</a:EffectiveTimeLimit>
                        <a:PriceTimeLimit>2024-12-11 23:59:00 +03:00</a:PriceTimeLimit>
                        <a:AgencyTimeLimit>2024-12-11 12:30:00 +03:00</a:AgencyTimeLimit>
                        <a:TicketingTimeLimit>2024-12-11 23:59:00 +03:00</a:TicketingTimeLimit>
                        <a:EmailID>[email protected]</a:EmailID>