

Getting the results of a certain search from the avia server.


  • SearchID - ID of the search occasion which results are needed to get. Data type - long.
  • FlightID - flight ID that is needed to get. Data type - string.
  • RawData - attribute of getting XML content of search requests to the supplier (optional). Data type - bool.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:avia="" xmlns:stl="">


Includes all fields from the Search response. Also additionally has the following fields:

  • RawData - XML content of search requests to the supplier. Data type - array.
  • RawData.LogData - content of one of the search requests to the supplier. Data type - array.
  • LogData.ServiceLogID - ID of the service log of communication with the supplier. Data type - long.
  • LogData.OriginalSourceID - ID of the source (package), within which this log was received. Data type - int32.
  • LogData.SearchDT - date and time of the search. Data type - DateTime.
  • LogData.RequestName - name of the request to the supplier. Data type - string.
  • LogData.Request - XML content of the request to the supplier. Data type - string.
  • LogData.Response - XML content of the supplier's response. Data type - string.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <GetSearchResultsResponse xmlns="">
      <GetSearchResultsResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
            <Now>2019-01-01 23:59:00 +00:00</Now>
            <StartTime>2019-01-01 20:00:00 +00:00</StartTime>