Common Elements
Basic elements for all methods
All NDC requests and responses have a specific set of common basic elements.
User ID
- Header.UserID - ID of the user executing the request. Data type - nonnegative 32-bit integer.
API WebskyTech Details
- Header.Requisites - details of access to the avia server. Data type - custom.
- Header.Requisites.Login - login to access the server. Data type - string.
- Header.Requisites.Password - password to access the server. Data type - string.
- Header.Requisites.AuthToken - key issued by WebSkyTech staff. Data type - string. You need to specify either this key or a login + password pair.
- Header.Requisites.UserContextId - user ID (order owner) whose settings are used (only for authorization via login + password).
Request Body
- Body.NameRequest - element containing the request body. By "NameRequest" is meant the name of a specific request, for example, AirShoppingRQ, OfferPriceRQ, etc. It is imperative that you specify the Version attribute, which contains the NDC 17.2 protocol version, for example, Version = "17.2". Data type - custom.
NDC Document Information
- NameRequest.Document - used to specify the gateway name and the version of the internal realization in the system (required). Data type - custom.
- NameRequest.Document.Name - gateway name (required). Data type - string.
- NameRequest.Document.ReferenceVersion - version (required). Data type - string.
- NameRequest.Party - contains information about the request sender, details of the search etc (required). Data type - custom.
Request Sender Information
- Party.Sender - sender (required). Data type - custom.
- Party.Sender.TravelAgencySender - sender (required). Data type - custom.
- Party.Sender.TravelAgencySender.OtherIDs - search details and miscellaneous (optional). Data type - custom.
- Party.Sender.TravelAgencySender.OtherIDs.OtherID - depending on the value of the Description attribute it is determined by the content of the OtherID element (required). Attribute data type - string, possible values:
- Source - ID of the API WebSkyTech requisites package;
- Tag - one of the labels of the request sender, describing it in accordance with a certain criterion;
- SubAgencyID - external subagency ID.
- ReferID - if specified, it overrides the WebSkyTech user, for which pricing will be performed. The data type is int32.
- Party.Sender.TravelAgencySender.AgencyID - unique agency ID in the WebSkyTech (required). Data type - positive integer.
Request ID
- ResponseID - unique ID of the processed event. Data type - string.
Response Body
- Body.NameResponse - element containing the response body. By "NameResponce" is meant the name of a particular message, for example, AirShoppingRS, OrderViewRS, etc. Contains the attribute Target and Version (described above). The Target attribute is used to specify a test or production environment.
NDC Document Information
- Document - gateway name and the version of the internal realization in the system. Data type - custom.
- Document.Name - gateway name. Data type - string.
- Document.ReferenceVersion - version. Data type - string.
Successful Request Information
- Success - presence of an empty element indicates that the message was successful. Data type - custom.
- Warnings - crucial informational messages about the specifics of the request processing received as a result of its execution. Data type - custom.
- Warnings.Warning - crucial informational messages about the specifics of the request processing.
- Errors - information about errors that occurred while processing the request. Data type - custom.
- Errors. Error - describes an error. Includes the Code attribute - an error code.
Request ID
- ShoppingResponseID - analogue of Response ID. The element is available only in two methods: AirShopping, OfferPrice. Data type - custom.
- ShoppingResponseID.ResponseID - unique ID of the processed event. Data type - string.