

Getting the document from the order in WebSkyTech system.

Request parameters

  • OrderID - order number from the WebSkyTech back office. To get the parameter value for an order, you should run a GetOrder request with the parameters FlightsBookingID (Booking ID from API WebSkyTech).
  • DocType - type of the requested document, possible values: ItinReceipt - avia itinerary in WebSkyTech format. RailVoucher - a travel document at the railway. RailMCF - Receipt of various fees.
  • AuthToken - API key issued by WebSkyTech staff.
  • UserID - User ID in the WebSkyTech system issued by WebSkyTech staff.

Response parameters

  • PaperDocument.Type - type of the returned document.
  • PaperDocument.Format - format of the returned document.
  • PaperDocument.Encoding - encoding of the returned document (is not used).
  • PaperDocument.DocumentData - document data.
  • PaperDocument.IsBase64Wrapped - indicates if the contents of the document is encoded in Base64.

Sample request

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ver="***">

Sample response

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="***">
      <ResponseBin OrderID="512861">
          <DocumentData>Document content</DocumentData>