

Ticket issuance.


  • AirDocIssueRQ - ticketing request. Data type - custom.
  • AirDocIssueRQ.Document - common elements.
  • AirDocIssueRQ.Party - common elements.
  • AirDocIssueRQ.Query - contents of the request (required). Data type - custom.
  • Query.TicketDocQuantity - number of tickets needed to be issued (required). Data type - positive integer.
  • Query.TicketDocInfo - information about the order needed to be issued (required). Data type - custom.
  • TicketDocInfo.PassengerReference - reference to the passenger in DataLists.PassengerList (required). If there are several passengers in the order, then a separate TicketDocInfo is formed for each passenger.
  • TicketDocInfo.OrderReference - contains the order ID (required). Data type - custom.
  • TicketDocInfo.OrderReference.OrderID - unique order ID. Owner attribute contains the owner of the order (GDS code). Element and attribute required.
  • TicketDocInfo.Payments - payment information (optional), accepts a collection of items. Payment information must be specified only in the first TicketDocInfo element, data from other TicketDocInfo is ignored. It is possible to set several payment methods.
  • TicketDocInfo.Payments.Payment - detailed payment information (required). Data type - custom.
  • TicketDocInfo.Payments.Payment.Type - payment type (required). Depending on it, a number of elements of the Method block change. The following are the possible values:
    • CA - Cash.
      <ns:Cash CashInd="true"/>
    • CC - Credit card.
    • CK - Check.
    • MS - Mescellaneous.
  • TicketDocInfo.Payments.Payment.Amount - payment amount (required). The element includes two attributes:
    • Code - currency code, data type - string.
    • Taxable - taxable, data type - boolean.
  • TicketDocInfo.Payments.Payment.Order - The OrderID attribute of the Order element containing the order ID. Element and attribute required.
  • TicketDocInfo.Commission - commission information (optional). The element must contain either an absolute value or a percentage. Commission information should be set only in the first TicketDocInfo element, data from other TicketDocInfo is ignored. Data type - custom.
  • Commission.Amount - absolute value of the commission. Data type - decimal.
  • Commission.Percentage - commission in percent. Data type - decimal.
  • Query.DataLists - contains passenger data (required). Data type - custom.
  • DataLists.PassengerList - information about passengers for whom an order is being created (required). Data type - custom.
  • PassengerList.Passenger - PassengerID attribute containing a unique passenger ID (required).
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:avi="" xmlns:ns="">
        <avi:UserID> *** </avi:UserID>
            <avi:Login> *** </avi:Login>
            <avi:Password> *** </avi:Password>
            <avi:UserContextId> *** </avi:UserContextId>
        <ns:AirDocIssueRQ Version="17.2">
                <ns:Name>NDC GATEWAY</ns:Name>
                        <ns:AgencyID> *** </ns:AgencyID>
                        <ns:OrderID Owner="1W">ORD610158</ns:OrderID>
                                <ns:Cash CashInd="true"/>
                            <ns:Amount Code="USD" Taxable="false">112.7</ns:Amount>
                            <ns:Order OrderID="ORD610158" Owner="1A"/>
                        <ns:Passenger PassengerID="PAX1">
                        <ns:Passenger PassengerID="PAX2">


In general, the contents of the order check response correspond to the response OrderCreate, with the exception of the element describing electronic documents.

  • OrderViewRS.Response.TicketDocInfos - information about electronic documents. Data type - array.
  • TicketDocInfos.TicketDocInfo - information about electronic documents (required). Data type - custom.
  • TicketDocInfos.TicketDocInfo.TicketDocument - electronic document (ticket, EMD). Data type - custom. Element is optional.
  • TicketDocInfos.TicketDocInfo.TicketDocument.TicketDocNbr - electronic document number. Data type - string.
  • TicketDocInfos.TicketDocInfo.TicketDocument.Type - electronic document type. Data type - string. Possible values:
    • T - Ticket;
    • J - EMD A;
    • Y - EMD S;
    • 700 - Other document;
  • TicketDocInfos.TicketDocInfo.TicketDocument.NumberofBooklets - number of tickets issued for this passenger. Data type - integer.
  • TicketDocInfos.TicketDocInfo.TicketDocument.DateOfIssue - discharge date in the format yyyy-mm-dd.
  • TicketDocInfos.TicketDocInfo.TicketDocument.TimeOfIssue - discharge time in hh:mm format.
  • TicketDocInfos. TicketDocInfo. TicketDocument. ReportingType - type of ticketing contract (BSP, ARC, Airline).
  • TicketDocInfos.TicketDocInfo.PassengerReference - reference to the passenger to whom the ticket corresponds.
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
        <h:ResponseID xmlns:h="" xmlns="">143982731</h:ResponseID>
    <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
        <OrderViewRS Target="Prod" Version="17.2" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
                <Name>NDC GATEWAY</Name>
                        <AgencyID> *** </AgencyID>
                                <OtherID Description="Source"> *** </OtherID>
                            <AgentUserID> *** </AgentUserID>
                <Participants xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Recipient xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Warning Code="1">Text</Warning>
                <Order OrderID="ORD610158" Owner="1W">
                        <SimpleCurrencyPrice Code="USD" Taxable="false">112.7</SimpleCurrencyPrice>
                        <PaymentTimeLimit DateTime="2018-11-14T07:59:00+03:00"/>
                        <OrderItem OrderItemID="ORI1" Owner="ZZ">
                                    <SimpleCurrencyPrice Code="USD" Taxable="false">112.7</SimpleCurrencyPrice>
                                <BaseAmount Code="USD" Taxable="false">44</BaseAmount>
                                    <Total Code="USD" Taxable="false">68.7</Total>
                            <Service ServiceID="SVC1">
                            <Service ServiceID="SVC2">
                            <Service ServiceID="SVC3">
                                <ServiceDefinitionRef SegmentRef="SEG0">SVD1</ServiceDefinitionRef>
                            <Service ServiceID="SVC4">
                                <ServiceDefinitionRef SegmentRef="SEG0">SVD1</ServiceDefinitionRef>
                                        <SimpleCurrencyPrice Code="USD" Taxable="false">60.4</SimpleCurrencyPrice>
                                    <BaseAmount Code="USD" Taxable="false">25</BaseAmount>
                                        <BaseAmount Code="EUR" Taxable="false">16</BaseAmount>
                                    <Taxes ApproxInd="false">
                                        <Total Code="USD" Taxable="false">35.4</Total>
                                                <Amount Code="USD" Taxable="false">31.2</Amount>
                                                <Amount Code="USD" Taxable="false">4.2</Amount>
                                        <SimpleCurrencyPrice Code="USD" Taxable="false">52.3</SimpleCurrencyPrice>
                                    <BaseAmount Code="USD" Taxable="false">19</BaseAmount>
                                        <BaseAmount Code="EUR" Taxable="false">12</BaseAmount>
                                    <Taxes ApproxInd="false">
                                        <Total Code="USD" Taxable="false">33.3</Total>
                                                <Amount Code="USD" Taxable="false">31.2</Amount>
                                                <Amount Code="USD" Taxable="false">2.1</Amount>
                        <Passenger PassengerID="PAX1">
                        <Passenger PassengerID="PAX2">
                        <ContactInformation ContactID="CTC1">
                                    <EmailAddressValue>[email protected]</EmailAddressValue>
                        <BaggageAllowance BaggageAllowanceID="BAG1">
                            <AllowanceDescription Concept="N">
                                        <Text>Free baggage</Text>
                                <PieceMeasurements Quantity="1"/>
                        <FlightSegment SegmentKey="SEG0" ElectronicTicketInd="true">
                        <Flight FlightKey="FLT0">
                        <PriceClass PriceClassID="PRC1">
                        <ServiceDefinition ServiceDefinitionID="SVD1">
                            <Name>Free baggage</Name>
                                    <Text>Free baggage</Text>