

The operation of creating an order.


  • OrderCreateRQ - request to create an order. Includes the following data:

    • information about the selected Offer;
    • passenger data;
    • contact details of passengers and agency;
    • form of payment;
    • SSR, OSI, remarks.
  • OrderCreateRQ.Document - common elements.

  • OrderCreateRQ.Party - common elements. In the current request, the Party element is supplemented with data about the agent’s contact information.

  • OrderCreateRQ.Party.Sender.TravelAgencySender.Contacts - agency contact details (optional). Data type - custom.

  • TravelAgencySender.Contacts.Contact - describes the contact details of the agency. Data type - custom.

  • TravelAgencySender.Contacts.Contact.EmailContact - agency email address. Data type - custom.

  • TravelAgencySender.Contacts.Contact.EmailContact.Address - agency email address. Data type - string.

  • TravelAgencySender.Contacts.Contact.PhoneContact - information about the agency phone number. Data type - custom.

  • TravelAgencySender.Contacts.Contact.PhoneContact.Number - agency phone number. Data type - string.

  • OrderCreateRQ.Query - Data type - custom.

  • Query.Order

  • Query.Order.Offer - describes the offer chosen by the passenger for creating an order. Data type - custom. Includes 3 required attributes:

    • OfferID - unique offer ID (the value is obtained as a result of the OfferPrice update);
    • ResponseID - unique update event ID;
    • Owner - owner code (GDS) of the offer. Data type - string.
  • Query.Order.Offer.OfferItem - describes the set of services included in the offer. Data type - custom. Required attribute OfferItemID.

  • Query.Order.Offer.OfferItem.PassengerRefs - reference to one or several passengers from DataLists.PassengerList.

  • Query.Order.Offer.OfferItem.ServiceSelection - contains a unique service ID within the OfferItem. Data type - custom.

  • Query.Order.Offer.OfferItem.ServiceSelection.ServiceDefinitionID - reference to the description of the service from DataLists.ServiceDefinitionList.ServiceDefinition.

  • Query.Payments - payment information (optional). Data type - custom.

  • Payments.Payment - detailed information about the payment. Data type - custom.

  • Payments.Payment.Type - a number of elements of the Method block changes depending on the payment type. The following values are possible:

    • CA - Cash.
      <ns:Cash CashInd="true"/>
    • CC - Credit card.
    • CK - Check.
    • MS - Mescellaneous.
  • Payments.Payment.Amount - payment amount. The element includes two attributes:

    • Code - currency code, data type - string.
    • Taxable - taxable, data type - boolean.
  • Query.Commission - information about the commission (optional). The element must contain absolute value or percentage. Data type - custom.

  • Commission.Amount - absolute value of the commission. Data type - decimal.

  • Commission.Percentage - commission in percent. Data type - decimal.

  • Query.DataLists - contains data about passengers and their contacts, remarks, OSI/SSR. Data type - custom.

  • DataLists.PassengerList - information about passengers for whom an order is being created. Data type - custom.

  • PassengerList.Passenger - element attribute containing a unique PassengerID.

  • PassengerList.Passenger.PTC - passenger type, possible values:

    • ADT - adult;
    • CHD - child;
    • INF - infant.
  • PassengerList.Passenger.CitizenshipCountryCode - passenger’s nationality. Data type- string.

  • PassengerList.Passenger.Individual - passenger’s personal data. Data type - custom.

  • PassengerList.Passenger.Individual.Birthdate - date of birth. The format is "yyyy-mm-dd".

  • PassengerList.Passenger.Individual.Gender - passenger’s gender. Data type - string.

  • PassengerList.Passenger.Individual.NameTitle - passenger's title. Data type - string.

  • PassengerList.Passenger.Individual.GivenName - name. Data type - string.

  • PassengerList.Passenger.Individual.MiddleName - middle name. Data type - string.

  • PassengerList.Passenger.Individual.Surname - surname. Data type - string.

  • PassengerList.Passenger.LoyaltyProgramAccount - loyalty card. Data type - custom.

  • PassengerList.Passenger.LoyaltyProgramAccount.Airline - Data type - custom.

  • PassengerList.Passenger.LoyaltyProgramAccount.Airline.AirlineDesignator - IATA airline code. Data type - string.

  • PassengerList.Passenger.LoyaltyProgramAccount.AccountNumber - loyalty card number.

  • PassengerList.Passenger.IdentityDocument - identity document. Data type - custom.

  • PassengerList.Passenger.IdentityDocument.IdentityDocumentNumber - document number (required).

  • PassengerList.Passenger.IdentityDocument.IdentityDocumentType - document type, possible values:

    • PT - Passport;
    • GC - Resident alien card;
    • 710 - Permanent resident card;
    • MI - Military ID;
    • N1 - US Naturalization Certificate;
    • 7SR - Stateless/refugee/etc;
    • B1 - Border crossing card;
    • DP - Diplomatic;
    • 709 - National ID;
    • SS - Seaman/ Sailor;
    • F1 - Other Documents;
    • VI - Visa.

      Visa is specified in the separate IdentityDocument block. This block contains the following set of elements: IdentityDocumentNumber, IdentityDocumentType, IssuingCountryCode, IssueDate - date of issue, Birthplace - owner's place of birth, Visa.VisaNumber - Visa number, Visa.VisaHostCountryCode - ISO code of the country where the visa is valid. Example of filling in the visa is represented below.

  • PassengerList.Passenger.IdentityDocument.IssuingCountryCode - document country of issue code. Data type - string.

  • PassengerList.Passenger.IdentityDocument.ExpiryDate - document validity period. The format is "yyyy-mm-dd".

  • PassengerList.Passenger.ContactInfoRef - reference to the passenger contact data from DataLists.ContactList. CTC prefix required.

  • PassengerList.Passenger.InfantRef - associating a passenger with another passenger, reasonable and is required only for infants without a seat (optional).

  • PassengerList.Passenger.Remark - text note associated with a passenger (optional). Data type - custom.

  • PassengerList.Passenger.Remark.Remark - text note tied to a passenger (optional). Data type - string.

  • DataLists.ContactList - information about the contact details of passengers. Data type - custom.

  • ContactList.ContactInformation - element attribute containing the unique contact identifier ContactID = "CTC1" (CTC prefix required).

  • ContactList.ContactInformation.ContactProvided - passenger's contact details. It should be noted that the email address and phone number must be presented in separate elements of ContactProvided. Data type - custom.

  • ContactList.ContactInformation.ContactProvided.EmailAddress - information about the passenger's email address. Data type - custom.

  • ContactList.ContactInformation.ContactProvided.EmailAddress.EmailAddressValue - passenger's email address. Data type - string.

  • ContactList.ContactInformation.ContactProvided.Phone - passenger's contact phone number. Data type - custom.

  • ContactList.ContactInformation.ContactProvided.Phone.Label - phone type. Data type - enumeration, possible values:

    • Mobile - mobile;
    • Work - work;
    • Home - home;
    • Agency - agency.
  • ContactList.ContactInformation.ContactProvided.Phone.CountryDialingCode - phone number country code.

  • ContactList.ContactInformation.ContactProvided.Phone.AreaCode - region code.

  • ContactList.ContactInformation.ContactProvided.Phone.PhoneNumber - phone number.

  • ContactList.ContactInformation.ContactProvided.Phone.Extension - extension number.

  • DataLists. InstructionsList - additional instructions, particularly the remarks related to the entire order. Data type - custom.

  • InstructionsLis.Instruction - The ListKey attribute contains a unique instruction ID.

  • InstructionsLis.Instruction.FreeFormTextInstruction - text remark. TData type - custom.

  • InstructionsLis.Instruction.FreeFormTextInstruction.Remark - text remark. Data type - string.

  • DataLists.ServiceDefinitionList - OSI/SSR data. Data type - custom.

  • ServiceDefinitionList.ServiceDefinition - attribute contains a unique service ID.

  • ServiceDefinitionList.ServiceDefinition.Name - contains the name of the SSR or OSI.

  • ServiceDefinitionList.ServiceDefinition.Descriptions - description of the service. Data type - custom.

  • ServiceDefinitionList.ServiceDefinition.Descriptions.Description - contains the value of Special Service Request or Other Service Information.

  • ServiceDefinitionList.ServiceDefinition.BookingInstructions - OSI/SSR code. Data type - custom.

  • ServiceDefinitionList.ServiceDefinition.BookingInstructions.SSRCode - SSR code. Data type - string.

  • ServiceDefinitionList.ServiceDefinition.BookingInstructions.OSIText - OSI text. Data type - string.

  • ServiceDefinitionList.ServiceDefinition.BookingInstructions.Method - AE method for SSR or AF for OSI.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:avi="http://websky.travel/AviaNDC" xmlns:ns="http://www.iata.org/IATA/EDIST/2017.2">
        <avi:UserID> *** </avi:UserID>
            <avi:Login> *** </avi:Login>
            <avi:Password> *** </avi:Password>
            <avi:UserContextId> *** </avi:UserContextId>
        <ns:OrderCreateRQ Version="17.2">
                <ns:Name>NDC GATEWAY</ns:Name>
                                    <ns:Address>[email protected]</ns:Address>
                                    <ns:Number CountryCode="7" AreaCode="927">000722</ns:Number>
                        <ns:AgencyID> *** </ns:AgencyID>
                    <ns:Offer OfferID="OFR143975167020000" ResponseID="143975167" Owner="1A">
                        <ns:OfferItem OfferItemID="OFI143975167020000P0">
                            <ns:ServiceSelection ServiceID="SVC1">
                            <ns:ServiceSelection ServiceID="SVC2">
                        <ns:OfferItem OfferItemID="OFI143975167020000P0">
                            <ns:PassengerRefs>PAX1 PAX2 PAX3</ns:PassengerRefs>
                            <ns:Cash CashInd="true"/>
                        <ns:Amount Code="KZT" Taxable="false">75267</ns:Amount>
                        <ns:Passenger PassengerID="PAX1">
                                <ns:Remark>Traveller1 remark text</ns:Remark>
                        <ns:Passenger PassengerID="PAX2">
                        <ns:Passenger PassengerID="PAX3">
                        <ns:ContactInformation ContactID="CTC1">
                                    <ns:EmailAddressValue>[email protected]</ns:EmailAddressValue>
                        <ns:Instruction ListKey="LST1">
                                <ns:Remark>Free remark text all order</ns:Remark>
                        <ns:ServiceDefinition ServiceDefinitionID="SVD1">
                                    <ns:Text>Special Service Request</ns:Text>
                                <ns:Text>SSR TEXT1</ns:Text>
                        <ns:ServiceDefinition ServiceDefinitionID="SVD2">
                                    <ns:Text>Other Service Information</ns:Text>
                                <ns:OSIText>OSI TEXT</ns:OSIText>
Sample Visa fill-in
                        <ns:Passenger PassengerID="PAX1">


  • OrderViewRS - returns the result of an order. Data type - custom.
  • OrderViewRS.Document - common items.
  • OrderViewRS.Party - common items.
  • Party.Sender
  • Party.Sender.TravelAgencySender
  • TravelAgencySender.Contacts - contact information of the agency in the reservation. Data type - custom
  • TravelAgencySender.Contacts.Contact - contact information of the agency in the reservation. Data type - custom.
  • TravelAgencySender.Contacts.Contact.PhoneContact - agency phone data. Data type - custom.
  • TravelAgencySender.Contacts.Contact.PhoneContact.Number - agency phone number. Data type - string.
  • TravelAgencySender.Contacts.Contact.EmailContact - agency e-mail. Data type - custom.
  • TravelAgencySender.Contacts.Contact.EmailContact.Address - agency e-mail. Data type - string.
  • OrderViewRS.Response - Data type - custom.
  • Response.Order - information about the order booked. Data type - custom. The element contains the required attributes:
    • OrderID - unique order ID in API Websky Tech.
    • Owner - owner code (GDS) of the order. Data type - string.
  • Order.BookingReferences - contains the booking ID in the GDS and the code of the validating carrier. Data type - custom.
  • BookingReferences.BookingReference
  • BookingReferences.BookingReference.ID - order locator in the GDS. Data type - string.
  • BookingReferences.BookingReference.AirlineID - IATA code of the validating carrier. Data type - string.
  • Order.TotalOrderPrice - total price for all services for all passengers in all segments in the current Order. Data type - custom.
  • TotalOrderPrice.SimpleCurrencyPrice - total price (fare + taxes) for all passengers in the current Order, data type - decimal. The element includes two attributes:
    • Code - currency code, data type - string.
    • Taxable - taxable (false by default), data type - boolean.
  • Order.Payments - payment information in the reservation. Data type - custom.
  • Payments.Payment - detailed information about the payment. Data type - custom.
  • Payments.Payment.Type - type of payment. Data type - string.
  • Payments.Payment.Amount - payment amount. Data type - custom.
  • Payments.Payment.Amount.SimpleCurrencyPrice - payment amount. Data type - decimal. The element includes two attributes:
    • Code - currency code, data type - string.
    • Taxable - taxable, data type - boolean.
  • Payments.Payment.Method - possible payment methods are described in the request to create a reservation.
  • Order.TimeLimits - order validity. Data type - custom.
  • TimeLimits.PaymentTimeLimit - offer validity period. The element contains the DateTime attribute in the format "yyyy-mm-ddtchch:mm:ss".
  • Order.OrderItems - represents a set of one or several services within an order. Data type - custom.
  • OrderItems.OrderItem - set of services within an order. The element includes two required attributes:
    • OrderItemID - unique ID of the service set (ORI prefix required).
    • Owner - IATA code of the validating carrier.
  • OrderItems.OrderItem.ItemStatus - current order status, possible values:
    • K - Confirmed;
    • RQ - Requested;
    • SB - Standby;
    • T - Ticketed;
    • X - Cancel;
    • V - Void.
  • OrderItems.OrderItem.PriceDetail - total price for all services for all passengers in all segments in the current OrderItem. Data type - custom.
  • OrderItems.OrderItem.PriceDetail.TotalAmount - contains the total price (fare + taxes). Data type - custom.
  • OrderItems.OrderItem.PriceDetail.TotalAmount.SimpleCurrencyPrice - total price (fare + taxes) for all passengers in the current OrderItem, data type - decimal. The Code and Taxable attributes are described above.
  • OrderItems.OrderItem.PriceDetail.BaseAmount - base price for all passengers in the current OrderItem in the sale currency, data type - decimal. The Code and Taxable attributes are described above.
  • OrderItems.OrderItem.PriceDetail.Taxes - total amount of taxes. Data type - custom.
  • OrderItems.OrderItem.PriceDetail.Taxes.Total - total amount of taxes for all passengers in the current OrderItem, data type - decimal. The Code and Taxable attributes are described above.
  • OrderItems.OrderItem.Service - flight service and/or other flight support services. The service can be presented in a set with other services or in one separate Order.OrderItem. The element includes the attribute ServiceID = "SVC1" (SVC prefix required) containing the unique service ID. The Service element cannot contain the SegmentRef and ServiceDefinitionRef elements at the same time. Data type - custom.
  • Service.PassengerRef - reference to one passenger in DataLists.PassengerList.
  • Service.SegmentRef - reference to a segment in Datalists.FlightSegmentList.
  • Service.ServiceDefinitionRef - reference to the description of the service in Datalists.ServiceDefinitionList is not a transfer, but associated with it, for example, baggage. The SegmentRef attribute = "SEG0" (SEG prefix required) refers to the flight segment to which this service corresponds.
  • OrderItems.OrderItem.FareDetail - container for information about the price component for a certain passenger type in the current OrderItem. Data type - custom.
  • FareDetail.PassengerRefs - reference to one or several passengers of the same type in DataLists.PassengerList.
  • FareDetail.Price - information about the price component for a certain type of passenger. Data type - custom.
  • FareDetail.Price.TotalAmount - total price (fare + taxes) for a certain passenger type. Data type - custom.
  • FareDetail.Price.TotalAmount.SimpleCurrencyPrice - total price (fare + taxes) for a certain type of passenger in the current OrderItem, data type - decimal. The Code and Taxable attributes are described above.
  • FareDetail.Price.BaseAmount - base fare price for a specific passenger type in the current OrderItem in the sale currency, data type - decimal. The Code and Taxable attributes are described above.
  • FareDetail.Price.FareFiledIn - base price in the currency of the tariff establishment. Data type - custom.
  • FareDetail.Price.FareFiledIn.BaseAmount - base price in the currency of the fare establishment for a specific type of passenger in the current OrderItem, data type - decimal. The Code and Taxable attributes are described above.
  • FareDetail.Price.Taxes - information about the amount of taxes for a certain passenger type. Data type - custom.
  • FareDetail.Price.Taxes.Total - total amount of all taxes for a certain type of passenger in the current OfferItem, data type - decimal. The Code and Taxable attributes are described above.
  • FareDetail.Price.Taxes.Breakdown - element that contains an array of tax components. Data type - custom.
  • FareDetail.Price.Taxes.Breakdown.Tax - Tax components. Data type - custom.
  • FareDetail.Price.Taxes.Breakdown.Tax.Amount - tax value, data type - decimal. The Code and Taxable attributes are described above.
  • FareDetail.Price.Taxes.Breakdown.Tax.TaxCode - tax code. Data type - string.
  • FareDetail.Price.Taxes.Breakdown.Tax.TaxType - tax type. Data type - string.
  • FareDetail.FareComponent - contains fare information. Data type - custom.
  • FareDetail.FareComponent.FareBasis - fare information . Data type - custom.
  • FareDetail.FareComponent.FareBasis.FareBasisCode - contains the fare code. Data type - custom.
  • FareDetail.FareComponent.FareBasis.FareBasisCode.Code - fare code. Data type - string.
  • FareDetail.FareComponent.FareBasis.RBD - booking class letter. Data type - string.
  • FareDetail.FareComponent.FareBasis.CabinType - flight class (required). Data type - custom.
  • FareDetail.FareComponent.FareBasis.CabinType.CabinTypeCode - class of service code. Data type - string.
  • FareDetail.FareComponent.FareBasis.CabinType.CabinTypeName - service class name. Data type - string.
  • FareDetail.FareComponent.SegmentRefs - reference to one or several flight segments to which the price corresponds.
  • Response.Commission - information about the commission. Commission can only be in absolute value or percentage. Data type - custom.
  • Commission.Percentage - commission in percent. Data type - decimal.
  • Commission.Amount - absolute value of the commission. Data type - decimal.
  • Response.DataLists - container with information about passengers, contacts, route and in particular segments, etc. Data type - custom.
  • DataLists.PassengerList - information about passengers. Data type - custom.
  • PassengerList.Passenger - PassengerID = "PAX1" attribute (PAX prefix required) containing the unique passenger ID.
  • PassengerList.Passenger.PTC - passenger type.
  • PassengerList.Passenger.CitizenshipCountryCode - passenger nationality. Data type - string.
  • PassengerList.Passenger.Individual - personal data of the passenger. Data type - custom.
  • PassengerList.Passenger.Individual.Birthdate - date of birth. The format is "yyyy-mm-dd".
  • PassengerList.Passenger.Individual.Gender - passenger's gender. Data type - string.
  • PassengerList.Passenger.Individual.NameTitle - passenger's title. Data type - string.
  • PassengerList.Passenger.Individual.GivenName - name. Data type - string.
  • PassengerList.Passenger.Individual.MiddleName - middle name. Data type - string.
  • PassengerList.Passenger.Individual.Surname - surname. Data type - string.
  • PassengerList.Passenger.LoyaltyProgramAccount - loyalty card. Data type - custom.
  • PassengerList.Passenger.LoyaltyProgramAccount.Airline - Data type - custom.
  • PassengerList.Passenger.LoyaltyProgramAccount.Airline.AirlineDesignator - IATA airline code. Data type - string.
  • PassengerList.Passenger.LoyaltyProgramAccount.AccountNumber - loyalty card number.
  • PassengerList.Passenger.IdentityDocument - identity document. Data type - custom.
  • PassengerList.Passenger.IdentityDocument.IdentityDocumentNumber - document number (required).
  • PassengerList.Passenger.IdentityDocument.IdentityDocumentType - document type, possible values are described in the parameters of the OrderCreateRQ request.
  • PassengerList.Passenger.IdentityDocument.IssuingCountryCode - country code of issuing the document. Data type - string.
  • PassengerList.Passenger.IdentityDocument.ExpiryDate - document validity period. The format is "yyyy-mm-dd".
  • PassengerList.Passenger.ContactInfoRef - reference to the passenger's contact data in DataLists.ContactList. CTC prefix required.
  • PassengerList.Passenger.InfantRef - association of a passenger with another passenger, reasonable and is required only for infants without a seat (optional).
  • PassengerList.Passenger.Remark - text remark associated with a passenger (optional). Data type - custom.
  • PassengerList.Passenger.Remark.Remark - text remark associated with a passenger (optional). Data type - string.
  • DataLists. ContactList - information about the passenger contact details. Data type - custom.
  • ContactList.ContactInformation - element attribute containing the unique contact ID ContactID = "CTC1" (CTC prefix required).
  • ContactList.ContactInformation.ContactProvided - contact details of the passenger. It should be noted that the email address and phone number are presented in separate elements of ContactProvided. Data type - custom.
  • ContactList.ContactInformation.ContactProvided.Phone - passenger's contact phone number. Data type - custom.
  • ContactList.ContactInformation.ContactProvided.Phone.Label - phone type. Data type - enumeration.
  • ContactList.ContactInformation.ContactProvided.Phone.PhoneNumber - phone number. Data type - string.
  • ContactList.ContactInformation.ContactProvided.EmailAddress - information about the passenger's email address. Data type - custom.
  • ContactList.ContactInformation.ContactProvided.EmailAddress.EmailAddressValue - passenger's email address. Data type - string.
  • DataLists.BaggageAllowanceList - information about the transportation of baggage. Data type - custom.
  • BaggageAllowanceList.BaggageAllowance - BaggageAllowanceID = "BAG1" attribute (BAG prefix required) containing a unique baggage ID. Data type - custom.
  • BaggageAllowanceList.BaggageAllowance.BaggageCategory - element always containing the value "Checked".
  • BaggageAllowanceList.BaggageAllowance.AllowanceDescription - two types of checked baggage, Piece and Weight, are possible. The Concept attribute of the AllowanceDescription element defines the measure of baggage, possible values:
    • 700 — Kilos;
    • 701 — Pounds;
    • C — Special Charge;
    • N — Number of pieces;
    • S — Size;
    • W — Weight
  • BaggageAllowanceList.BaggageAllowance.AllowanceDescription.ApplicableParty - item always containing the Traveler value - the baggage is associated with one passenger.
  • BaggageAllowanceList.BaggageAllowance.AllowanceDescription.Descriptions - baggage description. Data type - custom.
  • BaggageAllowanceList.BaggageAllowance.AllowanceDescription.Descriptions.Description
  • BaggageAllowanceList.BaggageAllowance.AllowanceDescription.Descriptions.Description.Text - default value is "Free baggage". Data type - string.
  • BaggageAllowanceList.BaggageAllowance.WeightAllowance
  • BaggageAllowanceList.BaggageAllowance.WeightAllowance.MaximumWeight - maximum weight of baggage. Data type - custom.
  • BaggageAllowanceList.BaggageAllowance.WeightAllowance.MaximumWeight.Value - maximum weight of baggage. Data type - positive integer.
  • BaggageAllowanceList.BaggageAllowance.WeightAllowance.MaximumWeight.UOM - unit of measure for the value given above. Data type - string.
  • BaggageAllowanceList.BaggageAllowance.PieceAllowance
  • BaggageAllowanceList.BaggageAllowance.PieceAllowance.ApplicableParty - element containing the Traveler value by default. Means that the baggage is related to one passenger.
  • BaggageAllowanceList.BaggageAllowance.PieceAllowance.TotalQuantity - number of bags. Data type - integer.
  • BaggageAllowanceList.BaggageAllowance.PieceAllowance.PieceMeasurements - attribute Quantity = "1" element also containing information on the number of bags, data type - integer.
  • DataLists.FlightSegmentList - contains information about the segments of the flight. Data type - custom.
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment - details of the flight segment. Data type - custom. Includes two attributes:
    • SegmentKey - unique segment ID, SEG prefix required.
    • ElectronicTicketInd - attribute of an electronic ticket. Data type - boolean.
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.Departure - information about the departure segment. Data type - custom.
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.Departure.AirportCode - IATA code of departure airport. Data type - string.
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.Departure.Date - departure date. The format is "yyyy-mm-dd".
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.Departure.Time - departure time. The format is "hh:mm".
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.Departure.Terminal - information about the terminal. Data type - custom.
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.Departure.Terminal.Name - departure point. Data type - string.
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.Arrival - information about the arrival segment. Data type - custom.
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.Arrival.AirportCode - IATA airport arrival code. Data type - string.
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.Arrival.Date - date of arrival. The format is "yyyy-mm-dd".
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.Arrival.Time - arrival time. The format is "hh:mm".
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.Arrival.Terminal - information about the terminal. Data type - custom.
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.Arrival.Terminal.Name - the arrival signal. Data type - string.
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.MarketingCarrier - information about the marketing carrier. Data type - custom.
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.MarketingCarrier.AirlineID - IATA code of a marketing carrier. Data type - string.
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.MarketingCarrier.FlightNumber - flight number of the marketing carrier. Data type - string.
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.OperatingCarrier.AirlineID - IATA code of the operating carrier. Data type - string.
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.OperatingCarrier.FlightNumber - flight number of the operating carrier. Data type - string.
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.Equipment - information about the aircraft type. Data type - custom.
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.Equipment.AircraftCode - aircraft type. Data type - string.
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.ClassOfService - information about the booking class. Data type - custom.
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.ClassOfService.Code - booking class letter.
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.FlightDetail - flight details. Data type - custom.
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.FlightDetail.FlightDuration - informs about the flight duration. Data type - custom.
  • FlightSegmentList.FlightSegment.FlightDetail.FlightDuration.Value - flight duration within the segment.
  • DataLists.FlightList - element containing the flight ID corresponding to one leg and the segments that make up this leg. Data type - custom.
  • FlightList.Flight - attribute FlightKey = "FLT0" (FLT prefix required) returns the unique ID of the flight within the Order.
  • FlightList.Flight.SegmentReferences - links to one or several segments that are part of a flight within one leg.
  • DataLists.ServiceDefinitionList - contains the description and characteristics of services except for the flight. Data type - custom.
  • ServiceDefinitionList.ServiceDefinition - attribute ServiceDefinitionID = "SVD1" (SVD prefix required) - a unique ID for the service description.
  • ServiceDefinitionList.ServiceDefinition.Name - name of the service. e.g. Free baggage. Data type - string.
  • ServiceDefinitionList.ServiceDefinition.BaggageAllowanceRef - rference to the description of more detailed information about baggage.
  • ServiceDefinitionList.ServiceDefinition.Descriptions - service information. Data type - custom.
  • ServiceDefinitionList.ServiceDefinition.Descriptions.Description - information about the service. Data type - custom.
  • ServiceDefinitionList.ServiceDefinition.Descriptions.Text - description of the service. Data type - string.
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <h:ResponseID xmlns:h="http://websky.travel/AviaNDC" xmlns="http://websky.travel/AviaNDC">143975930</h:ResponseID>
   <s:Body xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
      <OrderViewRS Target="Test" Version="17.2" xmlns="http://www.iata.org/IATA/EDIST/2017.2">
            <Name>NDC GATEWAY</Name>
                           <Number>+12125551212- AGCY</Number>
                           <Address>[email protected]</Address>
                  <AgencyID> *** </AgencyID>
                        <OtherID Description="Source">29782</OtherID>
                     <AgentUserID> *** </AgentUserID>
            <Participants xsi:nil="true"/>
            <Recipient xsi:nil="true"/>
            <Warning Code="1">TEXT</Warning>
            <Order OrderID="ORD610120" Owner="1A">
                  <SimpleCurrencyPrice Code="KZT" Taxable="false">75267</SimpleCurrencyPrice>
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                           <Text>Free baggage</Text>
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                           <Text>Free baggage</Text>