Making changes to the order.
Depending on the data being changed, the request structure changes. Next, we will consider examples of changing documents, loyalty cards, passenger contacts, passenger notes.
This example represents the modification of documents. To delete the documents, you need to fill only PassengerServicing.Previous, to add documents, only PassengerServicing.New is filled.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:avi="" xmlns:ns="">
<avi:UserID> *** </avi:UserID>
<avi:Login> *** </avi:Login>
<avi:Password> *** </avi:Password>
<avi:UserContextId> *** </avi:UserContextId>
<ns:OrderChangeRQ Version="17.2">
<ns:Name>NDC GATEWAY</ns:Name>
<ns:AgencyID> *** </ns:AgencyID>
<ns:New PassengerID="PAX1">
<ns:Previous PassengerID="PAX1">
<ns:New PassengerID="PAX2">
<ns:Previous PassengerID="PAX2">
This example represents the modification of loyalty card. To delete the card, you need to fill only PassengerServicing.Previous, to add documents, only PassengerServicing.New is filled.
<ns:New PassengerID="PAX1">
<ns:Previous PassengerID="PAX1">
This example represents the modification of a phone number. To delete the number, you need to fill only PassengerServicing.Previous, to add documents, only PassengerServicing.New is filled. To successfully modify contacts, the ContactInformation array must contain all available passenger contact data (see example).
<ns:New PassengerID="PAX1">
<ns:Previous PassengerID="PAX1">
<ns:ContactInformation ContactID="CTC1">
<ns:EmailAddressValue>[email protected]</ns:EmailAddressValue>
<ns:ContactInformation ContactID="CTC2">
<ns:EmailAddressValue>[email protected]</ns:EmailAddressValue>
This example represents the modification of passenger's remark. To delete the remark, you need to fill only PassengerServicing.Previous, to add documents only PassengerServicing.New is filled.
<ns:New PassengerID="PAX1">
<ns:Remark>NEW REMARK</ns:Remark>
<ns:Previous PassengerID="PAX1">
<ns:Remark>OLD REMARK</ns:Remark>
Response structure of the order modification corresponds to the following response: OrderCreate.